I have a package of Briess Golden Light DME, and I noticed on the back it had a date stamp of 130923 10:57, which I assume to mean it was produced on Sept. 23, 2013.

It got me wondering if DME actually had a shelf life. How long will a sealed package of DME remain useful as a brewing ingredient?

2 Answers 2


Stored cool, dry and out of sunlight, DME is good for 2+ years. The main issue is with it picking up moisture, when it then becomes clumpy. But once boiled it's still good and you can use it up to 5 years in small quantities (say 1-2lb/0.5-1kg in a 5 gallon batch.)


From the first item in the search results for "briess dme shelf life": Briess "Product Information & Typical Analysis" sheet for a similar DME [PDF Warning]

Store in a cool, dry location.
Unopened bags best if used within 24 months from date of manufacture.
  • 4
    please don't post google searches. the results can change. It's better to post the link where you found the information.
    – mdma
    Commented Feb 28, 2014 at 21:24

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