Community Digest

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

The "correct" step to add cinnamon and vanilla?

I want to experiment a bit by adding spices - I'm thinking cinnamon and vanilla - to my beer, but wonder at which step is considered the best time to add it. Personal experience is very welcome. I ...

spices procedure  
user avatar asked by Baard Kopperud Score of 13
user avatar answered by Schleis Score of 7

Can I sell my Homebrew in the UK

I often produce an excess of homebrew. Would it be legal to sell it in the UK, I would only be selling a maximum of 50 pints / year and my charge would really only cover the cost of the bottle. ...

cost legal  
user avatar asked by Richard Stelling Score of 7
user avatar answered by fearoffours Score of 7

Can I bottle when still bubbling a little?

I made a beer from extract (amber dryed malt extract). Recipe says OG is 1.040 FG is 1.010. Used Safebrew S-04 (english ale yeast). The wort has been sitting in primary fermenter for 10 days now. ...

airlock bubble  
user avatar asked by Paolo Score of 3
user avatar answered by Jared Meyering Score of 4

How to add fruit to beer

What is the best way to add fruit to a beer? I'm afraid boiling it will break down the fruit too much (a muslin bag could fix this I guess), but I'm not sure how to add it to the fermenter without ...

beer techniques fruit adjuncts  
user avatar asked by thaddeusmt Score of 33
user avatar answered by LoganGoesPlaces Score of 22

How do you label your bottles?

How do you mark, label, or otherwise identify the contents of your bottles? I'm currently using masking tape and a marker, but I'm curious what most other people use.

bottles labels  
user avatar asked by Fishtoaster Score of 47
user avatar answered by LoganGoesPlaces Score of 23

As a benchmark, how much grain (and water) would be used to make one litre (or 100L) of wort?

Obviously the style of beer, type of grain (barley, wheat, etc) and depth of roast would make a difference. But in general what would be the typical ranges be? So for example: For a Dark Stout: A ...

beer whiskey  
user avatar asked by DarcyThomas Score of 8
user avatar answered by mdma Score of 16

Consistently high final gravity

I started brewing about a year ago, currently on my sixth batch, all using extract and some additional grains. My problem is that my beers consistently finish with a higher than expected final gravity....

fermentation final-gravity  
user avatar asked by bughunter Score of 4
user avatar answered by mdma Score of 7
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