9 votes

Does homebrewed beer have a "Golden Age"?

Beers do tend to age and have a sweet spot, per se, of when their flavor peaks. Every beer and beer style is different without a doubt. But what you are describing is more related to your experience ...
brewchez's user avatar
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8 votes

How is alcohol-free beer manufactured? Can one make it at home?

The only way to make non-alcoholic beer that actually still tastes good is to boil the alcohol off under a vacuum. Since the vapor pressure of alcohol is much lower than that of water, they can ...
dmtaylor's user avatar
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7 votes

How to know if kombucha is alcoholic?

The problem is that the hydrometer is used the amount of sugar in the solution, not the amount of alcohol. So you can measure the original gravity (OG), and the final gravity (FG), but in kombucha the ...
chthon's user avatar
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6 votes

How much will initial oxygen in wort affect final alcohol in beer?

"This means that the initial metabolism will be aerobic. Aerobic metabolism of sugar yields no alcohol, but still reduces the gravity." Well, actually this isn't true in virtually all fermentation ...
Franklin P Combs's user avatar
6 votes

Why is vodka 40%?

It seems 40% is just the right mix. Here is an article on the subject: http://archive.boston.com/business/technology/articles/2010/11/22/why_is_vodka_40_percent_alcohol/ In case the article is no ...
Philippe's user avatar
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5 votes

Malt Beer vs. Light Beer

For starters they are different styles of beers. Light lagers have a much lighter mouthfeel almost watery. Cheap commercial versions supplement the mash with corn or rice to keep the ABV high but ...
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
5 votes

Where does the ABV% "magic number" come from?

131.25 is to calc ABV (Alcohol by Volume) 105 is to calc calculate ABW (Alcohol by Weight) ((OG - FG) * 105) * 1.25 = ABV So: (OG - FG) * 131.25 = ABV These formulas are flawed in that they get ...
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
5 votes

when does the alcoholic fermentation end?

CO2 in suspension will cause bubbles to come out of the airlock long after the fermentation is done. It is an indicator, but not a precise one. Experience will tell you that for a particular yeast/...
Philippe's user avatar
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5 votes

Brewing Low ABV Lager

Many websites can provide recipes. Take a look at some other posts like : Recipe websites catering to beginners? But since you already have a recipe, you just need to lower the ABV a little, take ...
Philippe's user avatar
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4 votes

How strong you can brew a beer using Brubox kit?

Beer kits generally end up somewhere near or just below the 5% ABV mark. It is easy to add sugar/glucose to the wort to make it a higher ABV. Generally using added sugars one can get to somewhere ...
barking.pete's user avatar
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Calculating abv with fruit on secondary

Yes you can easily. When using juice/syrup/slurry. But you need precise gravity and volume readings. Just average the gravity of mixed solution based on syrup volume addition. For example if the ...
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
4 votes

Why didn't my ABV reach the yeast's limits?

Patience. You rushed it. Give it 5 months. Then it will be done.
dmtaylor's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I raise alcohol content in my rum?

You will not achieve 40% using fermentation as the only technique. Yeast have a certain alcohol tolerance that is usually between 14% and 18% (wine yeast), above that percentage, yeast will stop ...
Philippe's user avatar
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4 votes

How to make an optimal fermentation for ginger beer with ginger bug

Right so there's no "optimal" method for this, brewing is a balancing act between sweetness, alcohol, carbonation-pressure and yeast. Even things like the shape of the fermentation vessel effect the ...
Kingsley's user avatar
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How to calculate alcohol content after freezing beer (Eisbock)?

You can't determine the alcohol content simply by measuring gravity. We need more information. Let's try to determine the alcohol by volume in your "best" result beer. For starters, it has gravity of ...
MaliMish's user avatar
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4 votes

How to calculate ABV% with step feeding

Calculate the recipe as if you were adding all the honey up front. Also take an original gravity reading with just a partial amount of honey present; if you divide the gravity points by the number of ...
dmtaylor's user avatar
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4 votes

Why is vodka 40%?

Not only vodka is 40% (or 43% in most countries) but many other distilled beverages are as well: whisky and brandy, for example are usually sold at 43%. This is the case for several reasons. Firstly,...
Frank van Wensveen's user avatar
4 votes

Guess Alcohol By Weight With ACTUAL Weight

You cannot do that based upon the weight of a sample of your final beer, because then you have a mix of water, alcohol and final sugars: Final weight = Weight of water + weight of alcohol + weight of ...
chthon's user avatar
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3 votes

How to predict ABV in cider?

you can predict ABV by using the yield calculation, Safcider gives 1% of ABV for 16.3g/l 1049 ~ 135 g/l therefore 135/16.3 => 8.2% ABV Or you can get more complex by looking through these ...
Mr_road's user avatar
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What is the best plastic to use to store alcohol?

There is nothing better than glass from a standpoint of oxygen ingress. The next best choice would be PET, followed by polyethylene and polypropylene. With PE and PP the density of the material (which ...
Frank van Wensveen's user avatar
3 votes

ABV from one SG?

As Evil Zymurgist said, you can estimate OG and ABV based on uncorrected refractometer reading and final gravity, more precisely : The formula is the following : Complete explanation can be found in :...
JeanMi's user avatar
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Brewing a 25l batch in a smaller fermenter

No. When I calculate a solution of 10l at a gravity of 1.100 (which is already big), then I get an amount of 8.4 l water with 2.6 kg sugar. But that is already stretching things, because without ...
chthon's user avatar
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3 votes

Low ABV stout recipe

Scaling back just the base malts (fermentables) will lean a style to have more mouth feel body and make residual unfermentable sugars more noticeable without the alcohol to "cut" them down. These ...
Evil Zymurgist's user avatar
3 votes

Can the same method of producing 19% ABV Sake be used to produce high ABV beer?

While it wouldn't be literally the same process (in saké production starch degradation and alcohol production take place simultaneously, in the presence of two different types of organisms which have ...
Franklin P Combs's user avatar
3 votes

What yeast should I use to make a semi-sweet Ginger Beer with about 5% ABV

It does not work like that, No yeast will stop exactly at 5% (unless you kill it), this way of doing things is not safe ! First solution is to make your wort so that you end up with the correct among ...
JeanMi's user avatar
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3 votes

How to use a Gay-Lussac hydrometer

To the best of my knowledge, a Guy-Lussac hydrometer is intended for use with distilled alcohol. It will indicate 0-100% concentration of ethanol in water. For beer, wine, cider etc. you need a ...
Frank van Wensveen's user avatar
3 votes

How to calculate ABV when adding fermentable sugar or fruit to secondary fermentation?

The simple answer is: for whole fruit it's difficult to estimate - how much sugar was extracted from the fruit?! The potential gravity contribution of fruit juice can be determined simply by putting ...
Kingsley's user avatar
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1st homebrew, how long to be ready? Any support and better recipes

It's kind of hard to answer your question without knowing where you are. That said, if you're trying to convert non-alcohol beer by adding sugar and yeast, it's pretty doubtful that you'll be all that ...
CharlieHorse's user avatar
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Why didn't my ABV reach the yeast's limits?

The basics It's possible that your must / early mead simply doesn't have enough nutrients for the yeast to continue going gangbusters. When I say "nutrients" here, that includes more than just the ...
Eiríkr Útlendi's user avatar
3 votes

How am I (accidentally) making low alcohol beer?

Well, that is not the way a hydrometer is used. What you measure is the density of the wort/beer, which shows how many sugar is contained in the liquid. The amount of sugar in liquid solution ...
chthon's user avatar
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