Questions tagged [degassing]

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13 votes
5 answers

why do you degas wine but not beer?

After reading this post, I was wondering why have I heard of people degassing wine, but never beer? Does one also need to degas mead?
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10 votes
4 answers

How can I tell when wine has finished degassing?

I bottled my first home made wine last week. It's an apple wine that didn't turn out so well. The good news is that I think I know most of the reasons it isn't very good and I'm going to try again ...
Kyle Boon's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Degassing wine - how to proceed

Long time brewer, first time vintner here. Working through a winexpert Pinot Grigio kit. Primary and secondary fermentation went off without a hitch. Got to the stabilizing, degassing, and ...
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