We are brewing a Saison-style, all-grain beer. We had a multi-stage, multi-temperature mash process requiring us to get the mash to a set temp then hold it for a period then increase the heat and repeat. This process went smoothly.
We completed the sparge and subsequently the boil, and all went to plan.
We cooled, pitched the yeast and commenced the primary (aerobic) fermentation for one week.
We then transferred to our secondary (anaerobic) fermentation, and this is where things started to awry. We had an OG of 1063 and we're targeting an FG of 1015-ish. We've had a very active secondary fermentation, yet after almost three weeks the gravity is still only 1040 and has been holding steady for a week at this level, whilst still very active in the fermenter.
Doubt and worry is creeping in. We don't want to bottle whilst the gravity is still this high, but we don't quite know what's wrong or what to do next.
Any suggestions / explanations / recommendations for next steps would be very gratefully received.